PRINTING: Web Offset; Magazine Final Trim Size: 8.5" x 10.875"
SPACE | BLEED (Width x Height) | TRIM (Width x Height) |
Spread |
17.25" x 11.1125" |
17" x 10.875" |
Full Page |
8.75" x 11.125" |
8.5" x 10.875" |
1/2 Page (Horiz) |
8.75" x 5.45" |
8.5" x 5.3" |
1/2 Page (Vert) |
4.25" x 11.1125" |
4.125" x 10.9875" |
1/3 (Vert) |
3.27" x 11.1125" |
3.145" x 10.875" |
1/4 page |
3.63 x 5.21" |
3.38 x 4.96" |
BLEED: All elements intended to bleed must be extended at least 1/8" beyond the trim edge (1/8" from all final trim sides).
LIVE MATTER: All live text or images should be at least 1/4" from the trim.
On spread ads-either run of book or inserts-have copy or images that cross the gutter kept 3/16" from center line.
For critical-speed crossovers, contact our Ad Sales Office (see above).
1. FILE submision:
1.1 Digital data is required for all ad submissions.
1.2 Files must be right reading, portrait mode, 100-percent size, no rotations, standard trim, bleed and center marks in all full-page ads (no marks included in the "live" image area).
1.3 It is recommended that a 150 line-screen (lines/inch) be used.
1.4 Total area density should not exceed 300-percent.
1.5 Acceptable file formats: PC Format preferred. Save files as EPS, or the following application files: Quark, Adobe Illustrator, and PhotoShop:
1.5.1 EPS: All high-resolution images and fonts must be embedded. Do not nest EPS files into other EPS files.
1.5.2 APPLICATION FILES: Quark, Adobe Illustrator, and PhotoShop only, PC Format preferred. File must include all supporting elements, fonts, hi-res images, logos and photos. Images must be SWOP (CMYK or Grayscale) TIFF or EPS at 300 dpi, 100-percent size, no rotation. No RGB or JPEG images. Use Type 1 fonts ONLY. NO TrueType fonts. HOT Beauty Magazine is computer to plate. Any ads submitted on film will incur a $50 charge. HOT Beauty Magazine will be relieved of all responsibility for dispensing any form of compensation if an ad is supplied in non-preferred or non-acceptable formats,such as native application files. Non-preferred or
non-acceptable formats will be charged a $150 processing fee. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of reproduction from any ads supplied in non-preferred or non-acceptable formats.
1.6 Accepted Media delivery modes:
1.6.1 CD-ROM or DVD: Mail CD or DVD with contract proof to our Ad Sales Office (see above).
1.6.2 Using Web browser: (Instructions available on this web page).
1.7 HOT Beauty Magazine will not supply a faxed or soft proof on client supplied files. We assume due diligence has been taken -- by the client or by their agency -- to preflight and proof all advertisements prior to submission.
If we detect an error before going to press, we will make a reasonable effort to contact you to correct and resubmit your file before publication.
2. PROOF submision:
2.1 Every ad must have high-end digital contract proof that must be made to SWOP standards (available at regardless of media delivery mode.
2.2 Acceptable contract proofs include: Kodak Approval, Fuji PictroProof, Imation MatchPrint, Polaroid PolaProof and Dupont Digital Waterproof. Analog-based proofs may be accepted providing the film used to generate the proof is identical to the digital page supplied for printing (150 line-screen required).
2.3 HOT Beauty Magazine cannot be responsible for any color or positioning variation if advertiser does not adhere to the above specifications. Proofs that do not meet SWOP criteria will be used for color break and content checking only.
SWOP-certified color proof must be made from the same file that you supply to us.
Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, position commitment or space reservation at any time. All copy, including all elements, subject to Publisher's approval. Positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of Publisher except when specific preferred positions are available and covered by contract and specific positions have been duly acknowledged by the Publisher in writing. Cancellations or changes in orders are made at the discretion of the Publisher.
All requests for changes and any other instructions must be made in writing to the office of the Publisher. No advertisements scheduled for covers can be cancelled once covers are ordered. Advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for all content (including text and illustrations) of advertisements published, and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the Publisher. Advertiser and advertising agency jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless against any expenses, damage and losses (including reasonable attorney's fees) by reason of any claims arising out of publication by the Publisher.
Advertiser and advertising agency jointly and severally agree to responsibility for payment for advertising. The Publisher will not be bound by any condition, printed or otherwise, appearing on any order blanks, insertion orders or contracts when they conflict with the terms and conditions of this rate card or any amendment hereof. All advertising subject to short rate when less advertising than specified by original order is used. All advertisers subject to short rate if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, they do not use the amount of space on which their billings have been based. Contracts placed under terms and conditions of this rate card will be binding with or without insertion order. All mail order advertisers must guarantee full refund to all customers.
As used herein, the term "Publisher" shall refer to Stanford Trident, Florida Corporation which publishes the HOT Beauty Magazine Magazine pursuant to licensing arrangement. Publisher is not responsible for errors in key numbers. No rebates will be allowed due to insertion of wrong key numbers. Advertisements that simulate editorial content must be clearly defined and labeled "Advertisement" and Publisher may, in its discretion, so label such copy. Contract conditions subject to change without notice.
Publisher reserves the right to add, cancel or change the frequency of issues listed, their 'cover' dates and 'on sale' dates. In the case of a dispute of any ad, advertisers are expected to continue making payments within terms of agreement. Publisher reserves the right to issue an "ad credit only" policy to solve a disputed ad placement. Cancellations or changes in orders are not accepted after closing date.
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