Platinum Frenzy: White Platinum Blonde!
White Platinum Blonde is the absolute lightest shade in the hair color spectrum. It's also the rarest shade of pale, whether it's natural or chemically enhanced. Click through our White Platinum Blonde gallery to see why.

Are you in love with the white-hot strands worn by Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera? If you are, you've come to the right place. View our White Platinum Blonde gallery and get your daily dose of bombshell beauty.

If you're also considering having your locks transformed into this sensational shade, we recommend that you first read our "Platinum Primer" article. It contains invaluable advice about the pros and cons of embracing an uber-pale shade. By following our recommendations, we promise that you'll have a much better chance of loving your hair color results and keeping your precious strands in the healthiest possible condition. Click here to read!