Going Blonde -
Delicate pale blonde with deeper shading by Tim Hartley
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Going Blonde

Are you a blonde in the making? If you are, check out these three outstanding blonde categories, along with expert advice by globally renowned colorist Charlet Pelissier.

Blondes have a reputation for being high maintenance, which may or may not be true. In terms of relationships, the fair set is forever being stereotyped as needy and demanding. Really?

We don’t see the correlation between real-world blondes and the demands they put on their significant others—at all. But, when it comes to maintaining their perfect shades of pale, high-maintenance is a description that suits them to a flaxen T.

Important: We never recommend that you do any type of coloring service at home, but especially when it comes to using bleach, which, when used improperly, can cause widespread damage, including severe hair breakage, scalp sensitivity and even blisters that require a doctor’s care.

The results you’re hoping for will also be at risk, including orange to gold bands, poor tonal quality and weak, damaged hair.

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