Chic, Sleek & Classic
Category: HAIRDO

Hair/Pelo: Patrick Cameron

Makeup/Maquillaje: Alison Chesterton

Photo/Foto: Alistair Hughes

The bun, no matter which way it's worn, is a classic 'do' to keep in your repertoire.
Once you know the basics you can add the creativity!

Couture: Marco Erbi
Products: System Professional by Wella Professionals

1. Section from ear to crown to ear and place into a pony tail below crown.
2. Place end elastic half way down ponytail.
3. Backcomb bottom half of ponytail.
4. Roll top of ponytail.
5. Spread out to the sides to create a bouffant effect.
6. Check the shape...
7. Take half of the right front section straight back and criss cross grips down and in front of base. Repeat on left front section.
8. Place right tail over bun keeping tail wide like ribbons.
9. Tuck tails under and around.
10. Drape front section back.
11. Grip to hold.
12. Drape tails over top and tuck under.